
With the free trial range of products, we have shown them with a suggested selling price, but you decide the selling price for your own shop.

All products have a cost price, so here is a breakdown of the trial products, their prices, the suggested selling price  and therefore the potential earnings for each sale 

sample pricing

cost price

Ladies T Shirt              £ 8.30

Unisex T Shirt             £ 8.30

Sweatshirt                 £17.50

Enamel Mug                £ 8.76

Water Bottle              £14.76

Hoodie                        £17.80

Phone Case                 £ 9.47

Selling Price

            £ 15.00

            £ 15.00

            £ 21.00

            £ 12.00

            £ 20.00

              £ 30.00 

             £ 15.00


            £ 6.70

            £ 6.70

            £ 3.50

            £ 3.24

            £ 5.24


             £ 5.53

Click Here

If you decide that you would like to carry on with your store after the free trial period, you can add to your product range.  Choose as many as you like from our product catalogue

Product Catalogue

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